We've had this set of six Danish Modern kitchen chairs from the 1950's for a couple of years. They are in excellent shape and I love the clean shape of their lines and what they bring into the room. However, their vinyl seat coverings leave much to be desired. It is the original fabric, and is in quite excellent condition for the age of it. I have always chosen to ignore the fabric, reasoning that since we have small children the vinyl aspect is great for wipe-downs and general wear.
But, finally I could take it no more.
I found my fabric - a beautiful laminated pattern by Annette Tatum.

I dug out our staple gun, a little extra padding (I used low-loft quilt batting), and got to work.
In no time at all, our six chairs had been turned from this:
to this:
Such a quick, easy and transformational project it made me wonder why I waited so long. What about you, is there some quick project around the house that could be done to get a jump-start on Spring?
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