Wednesday, September 28, 2011

doorstops & bookends

A couple of weeks ago I was finally fed up with my laundry room door not staying open.  It would slowly creep forward, getting in the way of laundry baskets that were overflowing with clean clothes and the like.  Ideally, I would love to have one of those cool vintage iron doorstops to place in my laundry room. Since none were readily at my fingertips, I needed to figure out something else to hold it open.  Problems, I tell you.

After a quick think-through, I realized that one of the bigger sized river rocks in our backyard would be perfect.  But, a little ugly...and hard.

With a little hot glue and yarn - ta da!  A doorstop!  I love the texture and design that the yarn adds.  Now my laundry room door stays open perfectly.

Perfectly enough for me to see all the laundry that needs to be folded and put away.

 {Working it's magic on my laundry room floor.}

Another area that I've been working on is organizing the girls' room trying to combine the interests, toys and books of a seven year old and a two year old.  Not an easy task, I tell you.  One of the spots we needed some help with was the big bookshelf that holds loads of books.  It is open-sided, so the books had a tendency to fall off and onto the ground.  We needed some bookends.

Taking the same idea from the yarn doorstop, I decided to cover up more rocks and turn them into bookends.  Perfect!

{Holding together some favorite books.}

I love quick and easy projects that use supplies I already have on hand.  



Hot glue. 


Monday, September 26, 2011

Fall Spruce Up

When the air gets crisp in the morning and the leaves begin to hint at changing colors, I always want to dig in and get things straightened up and squared away for the fast approaching fall and winter season.  One of the biggest spaces that needs some TLC in our home is my wee studio.

I love that it has a glass door that I can close to  keep the clutter at bay.  However, it is desperately time to sort, clean, and organize.  For me, a clean space is much-needed in order to design and create.  If I've got a mess in front of me, it zaps and overwhelms any creativity. I have so many ideas bopping around in my head, that I definitely need this space to be cleaned so I can get started!

I am so thankful for my space, but it is teeny-tiny.  So, I always have my eye out for sweet studio spaces to be inspired by.

{I love this studio from Little Pincushion Studio}

{Great backyard studio!  From The Adventures of Tartanscot}

{Look at that organization and color.  Amazing!  From Everything Etsy}

{I envy the light in this painting studio.  My studio is void of windows, and I daily think about adding skylights...something, anything for natural light!  Image from via Pinterest}

{The amazing Anna Maria Horner's studio space. Perfect.}

Alright, I'm inspired.  Is there a studio space that you desire?  Where do you create?  Kitchen table, closet, garage?  


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